Meet Mary!

We have a new staff spotlight for you today! Introducing Mary 👋
Previously she has worked in management and customer service roles for the Electricity Board. She then took a career break to help her dad (Richard) with Valentine Wigs, spending eight months handling the digital marketing presence and helping out across the board.
She then spent three years travelling, heading out to Australia initially. 🇦🇺
“From there I did the Cook Islands and New Zealand, from New Zealand I went to the Philippines and Bali. It was the best three years of my life and I made some amazing friends, I feel like I came back a different person.”
Upon returning home she jumped straight back in with us here at Valentine Wigs. Over the last six months she has been relearning parts of the business, helping us to continue growing, getting accounts sorted, plus helping the launch of our new website last year!
Favorite wig? - “I have too many! Tori is amazing in any colour as well as some of the new styles like breezy in Lunar Haze” 😍
“The past 6 months has been interesting for sure, happy to be home and building something with my family as well as engaging with all our fantastic customers”
Favorite quote from my favorite imaginary BF – J Cole ❤ - “If you ain’t aiming too high you ain’t aiming high enough” Thank you Mary! 😊
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Meet The Team